Weyhooo Dreamers, I’m here to give you moreee information about VJ Boywilliam. Yesterday I post about rencana Willy mau beli anjing untuk Willy dan Eliza, karena mereka berteman baik. Karena kemarin itu infonya belum pasti, nah now I’m gonna give you kepastian tentang berita itu. They bought a dog yesterday, named Tyson. Why Willy named him Tyson? Because is feisty and he was biting Willy’s fingers a lot. So Willy thought of Mike Tyson.Tyson is an active dog, he likes to play and Dreamers he is really cuteee, you wanna see him, check this picture...
Dreamers he is the cute little dog, Tyson. Oh ya, because he is BoyLiza’s dog so he will living partly with Willy and partly with Eliza. Kalau sekarang, Tyson lagi tinggal sama Eliza dulu nih, soalnya Eliza sukaaaa bangeeet sama Tyson. Of course she likes Tyson, Tyson is really cuteee, seriously J
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