Bagaimana liat judul post kali ini??? Excited to read??? Hehehehe
Bukannya lagi emosi atau apaaa.. I just wanna share bout it, it's important for our life! :)
Jadi, sebetulnya ini tentang pengalaman pribadiku, and my friends too..
But let's just go to the point..
Intinya beberapa waktu lalu aku sharing sama Willy soal ini,
aku tanya Willy begini "Willy, what will you do if many people hate you? It's because what you have now, or what you get? But people just hate it! Hate the way you can be happy with what you get! Even though they don't know how hard you've tried to get it????????"
I don't know what he'll answer to me but DAMN! His answers always made me WOW.. Hehehehe..
Willy said "It's ok if they hate.. Not everybody will like you. Kalo aku santai aja.. I don't hate them.. Who cares.. Kadang-kadang kalo ngedenger something or ngebaca agak drop dikit tapi sebentar doang.. But who gives a sh*t (sensor dikit hehehe). Move on!"
Lalu karena aku agak rewel bawel gimana gituuu, jadi aku tanya lagi (obsesi mau jadi peng-interview ga kesampean LOL) "How bout those people yang sok baik di depan, but in your back they're talking bad things bout you???" dan Willy jawab lagi "Who cares.." then I said "They belong behind you, RIGHT????" After that Willy replied "Obviously they have a problem with me.. But I don't know what.. If I make them angry for something I didn't do it's their problem.. Not mine! Jangan terlalu dipikirin, nanti juga lewat.. Kita kalo ada yang ngomongin di belakang diemin aja.. Kalo mereka ga berani ngomong langsung berarti mereka memang belong di belakang kita aja.. TAPI, kalau mereka ngomongin keluarga aku atau orang yang aku sayangin, that's gonna be a problem.." seriously Dreamers, his argument is calm me down, and last but not least he said "Just do what you do and don't let it get to you.."
But Dreamers, for me, buat apa kita jadi HATERS? Buang-buang waktu.. Haters itu sama saja dengan losers.. Mereka kerjanya cuma iri sama orang lain, boikot orang lain buat benci juga, dan yaaa begitulah hidup mereka.. Let's think about it for awhile, kalau kita tidak senang melihat orang lain bahagia, dan memperlihatkannya dengan menjadi 'Haters' bukankah itu tandanya pembodohan secara nyata terhadap diri kita sendiri? Karena dengan terang-terangan kita mengakui kalau kita TIDAK MAMPU untuk mencapai apa yang orang lain telah capai? We only live in this world once! Remember ONCE! Jadi buatlah hidup ini lebih bermanfaat untuk diri sendiri, orang lain, dan agama..
STOP BEING HATERS! Ok ??????? :)
Willy isn't only a nice idol, but he is a really great motivator, an amazing friend, and an awesome brother.. He is only one, but he can be EVERYTHING!
And, don't forget to wacth Breakout his new music show only on NET every Monday to Friday at 16.00 WIB! :)
Keep supporting Boy William Dreamers :)
Bye for now!
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