Jumat, Mei 02, 2014


Hello Dreamers, it's been a long time since I didn't write here..
Selama ini agak sulit dapat informasi tentang William heheh, he's so busy day by day..
Dan kabar baiknya, today I'm going to share you about he's schedule.. Wohooo!
  • Filmnya "Di Balik Pintu Istana" tayang tahun ini di bulan Agustus atau September. Semoga ada premierenya yaaa...
  • Dan sekarang William lagi dalam proses shooting new film bareng Shandy Aulia yang berjudul "Rumah Gurita" he said, "I kinda like the story hahahha"
  • After that, Willy akan main bareng sama Jullie Estelle dan Joe Taslim dalam film yang berjudul "The Night Comes for Us" shootingnya mulai bulan Juni Dreamers..
  • Dan Willy juga masih ada other films, tapi belum confirmed. So far filmnya itu duluuuu yaaaa..
  • Tanggal 4 Mei ada launching picture book "5 Crystal Boys" so those 5 Crystal Boys areeeeeee : Kevin Julio, Stefan William, Chris Laurent, Ahyar, dan yang terakhir  adalah our Boy William :p lol
  • Good news nih Dreamers, this 18th May NET akan merayakan 1st Anniv-nya, dan Willy akan menjadi main stage host with Sarah Sechan. He also will sing a tribute to breakout with Sheryl Sheinafia! That must be so cool Dreamers!
http://www.penerbitkpg.com/assets/books/tn/901140806__194_274.jpgThese are our 5 Crystal Boys LOL..

Well, Dreamers, that's all for today informations,
thanks for visiting and keep supporting Boy William,
Much love :)

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